Marketing in the Real World – Recent Lessons Learnt

17th October, 2022

In this week’s podcast Alan and Bhairav talk about Atom CTO’s marketing journey

It has been a number of years since Bhairav talked about his experiences of marketing and in this podcast, he gives an update on where Atom is today with regards to marketing and the key lessons he has learnt

The main takeaways from this podcast are:

  • You should approach marketing in the same way you would any other function within your company
  • Have a clear set of objectives in mind before you start – know what you want to achieve
  • Take time in finding the right team that will understand your business and help you market
  • Don’t be tempted to market to everyone and everywhere, keep your marketing focus
  • Be consistent in your messaging and maintain the same look and feel
  • Ensure you measure your return on investment